The following are some of the steps that can be taken to reduce the potential for contamination of surface water. These measures are not necessarily applicable to all surface water supplies, and should be applied to areas where risk assessment has revealed specific hazards to be a problem:
General protection - Land acquisition; trespass control, watershed inspection programs; reservoir buffers.
Protection from agricultural contaminants - Soil conservation practices (e.g. contour farming, grassed waterways), water conservation structures (e.g. farm ponds) grazing restrictions in catchment areas, animal waste management facilities (to ensure manure run-off does not enter the water supply).
Protection from forestry contaminants - Proper design and construction of roads, post forestry erosion control, ensure correct road and skid trail construction.
Protection from urban contamination - Infiltration devices, stormwater diversion, restriction of the density and location of urban development in relation to the surface water supply, repair of malfunctioning septic systems.